Parental burnout is still a taboo. However, 5 to 8% of parents are burnt out in Western countries. Parental burnout is a source of guilt and shame for suffering parents. And it is often misunderstood by professionals. One thing is clear! Only a small number of professionals are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of parental burnout.
Have you encountered struggling parents in your line of work?
Parenting in the 21st century is a complex, stressful job, to the point where some parents are becoming burnt-out. These parents are looking for help, and they need the support of a well-trained professional. This is what we do with our courses & training on parental burnout.
You need resources and tools for diagnosing burnt-out parents?
The field of parental burnout is still new. You need reliable sources of information and practical tools to help your patients. This is what our courses & training on parental burnout provide.
Are you lacking the tools to support burnt-out parents?
Although you are experienced and feel well-equipped for other types of psychological issues, you don’t know how to support exhausted parents in an optimal way. You are looking for clinical and practical tools to help parents with burnout. Our courses & training on parental burnout offer everything you need.
Do you wish to add abother string to your bow?
You want to learn new things and you believe that parental burnout is a particularly interesting issue. You are in the right place.
Would you like to be identified as a professional expert in parental burnout?
You are interested in joining a network of specifically-trained professionals and in being more easily found by parents and colleagues looking for parental burnout experts. Our students can join our global exclusive directory for parental burnout professionals.
If you are concerned by one of these questions and are looking for flexible courses & training on parental burnout to squeeze into a tight planning, we created this online training for you
A training course by Moïra Mikolajczak and Isabelle Roskam internationally renowned parental burnout experts. Thanks to over 30 videos, exercises, online tests, and downloadable materials, you will become an expert in the field, a leading professional, and an important resource for burnout parents. A 100% online training course for you to discover!
Academic Expertise and Clinical Excellence
Isabelle Roskam & Moïra Mikolajczak are Professors at the University of Louvain in Belgium and Research Directors. They co-direct the Parental Burnout Research Lab, an internationally renowned laboratory in the field of parental burnout, the Training Institute for Psychology & Health (TIPH), which provides training courses to professionals, and the Center for Specialized Psychological Consultations on Parenting. They have also co-authored several reference books on parental burnout and many scientific publications, the result of their research and their experience with burnt-out parents.
“I’m exhausted, and I’m just incapable of meeting the wants and needs of my children. I cry from tiredness, I’m just worn out, worn out… Also, I get up with zero energy, and the smallest daily task is so difficult. Often, thinking of what we’re going to eat for dinner, it’s a mountain… Honestly, the slighest thing uses up all my energy, and I have nothing left. Nothing. I’m just in survival mode…”
“An up-to-date training course on information in the field of parental burnout. A unique opportunity to acquire the best diagnostic tools and to master the techniques for giving psychological support ot parents. All with a stimulating remote learning approach.”
Who is this training for?
The training Parental Burnout: Diagnostic and Treatment is reserved for holders of a diploma in psychology, psychotherapy, medicine (general practitioners, pediatricians, or psychiatrists), nursing, marital and family counseling, or family mediation. If you are interested in the course but do not hold one of the above-mentioned diplomas, we invite you to complete the following application form before registering (otherwise the certification will be refused).
We provide 100% online training courses. Therefore, with your login, you can sign in to the training platform from anywhere and for as many times as you like. You can watch the videos and read the documents online, or you can also download the exercises and manuals.
Everything is hosted on a web platform to which you will get access once you register. You will receive all of the instructions right after you sign up.
You can start and access our courses & training on parental burnout at any time you want after you have signed up. You will have 24/7 access to the training for a duration of 90 days.
Altogether, the 30 videos last 7.5 hours. In addition, there are several suggested exercises, that you can do at your own rhythm. The training lasts a maximum of three months and includes two modules: 1 – Understanding and Diagnosing, 2 – Treating. You can access both as and when you progress. Once you have registered, you will have access to the introduction and the first module.
You need to plan to set aside between two to three hours a week to watch the videos, complete the exercises and become familiar with the training content. It is important to arrange a time for the training every week. Consequently, you will be able to make connections between the training elements and acquire the expected skills.
À l’issue de la formation, vous recevrez un certificat de réussite délivré par notre institut
Please note :
Parental Burnout: Diagnostic and Treatment training is not a substitute for medicine, psychology, education, or health training but a supplement for them.
It is down to the responsibility and ethics of each professional not to improvise “burnout therapy” without the required qualification.
The level of expertise that you will develop will be proportional to your involvement in the training!
Registered trainees will get over 30 videos and seven hours of exclusive content with Professor Mikolajczak & Professor Roskam; videos with nutrition, sleep, mental load, and active listening experts; downloadable and online diagnostic tools; specific exercises to complete with parents; a platform accessible for 90 days!
With our online courses & training on parental burnout we aim to teach professionals how to diagnose parental burnout, proceed with a differential diagnosis from job burnout, depression, and postnatal depression, understand the etiology and consequences of parental burnout, and offer quality support to parents to enable them restoring the balance between the stressors and resources in their parental role.
- Complete expertise on the subject
- Videos containing up-to-date scientific findings
- Downloadable and online tools
Exercises and activities to use with parents
An educational and friendly training scheme
A certificate from the Training Institute for Parental Burnout
Free listing on our International Parental Burnout Directory
And more …
This training covers the following subjects:
- Sociological changes that made parenting more difficult in the 21st century
- Symptoms of parental burnout and differential diagnosis
- Biological markers of parental burnout
- Etiology of parental burnout
- Consequences of parental burnout on the parent and the children
- Parenting perfectionism
- Emotional competencies and stress management
- Organization and mental load
- Coparenting
- Childrearing practices
- Medical aspects of the treatment
- And many more …
Discover the price and register for the training course « Parental Burnout : Diagnostic and Treatment