
Find here all the details to contact us

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Training Institute for Psychology & Health

6/002 Rue Courbevoie
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

BCE 0727441602


+32 470 89 68 20

Email address

Founded by Isabelle and Moïra, the Training Institute for Psychology & Health offers face-to-face and online training to health and education professionals worldwide. Their mission is to share their knowledge with professionals who take care of burnt-out parents.

If you have any questions regarding their training and research, or if you would like to invite Moïra and Isabelle to speak at your conference, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer you and we will do it as soon as possible!

Isabelle, Moïra and the Training Institute for Psychology & Health team are on hand to help you register, to support you during the course and to advise you if you have any special needs.

All your requests and emails will be treated individually, in a fully confidential manner, and as quickly as possible.

Note that you can also find the answer to your question in the Frequently Asked Questions section on the Training Institute for Psychology & Health as well as in the articles on our blog. In addition, to follow all our news in real-time, do not forget to like our pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

See you soon!

The Training Institute
for Psychology & Health
in the media